HSN Code With Rate

HSN CodeCategoryIGST Ratecess RateRate DescCess DescCess PerCess Amt
Page size:
 37516 items in 751 pages
84762120Incorporating heating devices500000
84762120Incorporating heating devices2800000
84768120Incorporating heating devices500000
84768120Incorporating heating devices2800000
84762110Incorporating refrigerating devices2800000
84762110Incorporating refrigerating devices500000
84768110Incorporating refrigerating devices500000
84768110Incorporating refrigerating devices2800000
32159030Indelible ink1200000
32159030Indelible ink1800000
32159030Indelible ink500000
48025410India Paper1200000
14049050Indian katha1800000
14049050Indian katha500000
78060020Indian lead seals1800000
85312000Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED)500000
85312000Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED)1200000
85312000Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED)2800000
84248920Industrial bellows500000
84248920Industrial bellows2800000
84248920Industrial bellows1800000
35079010Industrial enzymes (textile assistant)1800000
36020010Industrial explosives2800000
84145930Industrial fans and blowers500000
84145930Industrial fans and blowers2800000
40159030Industrial gloves1200000
40159030Industrial gloves1800000
84795000Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included1200000
84795000Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included500000
84795000Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included2800000
84795000Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included1800000
84522110Industrial sewing machines having a motor of 150 watts capacity and above and having a speed of 1,500 stitches per minute or more500000
84522110Industrial sewing machines having a motor of 150 watts capacity and above and having a speed of 1,500 stitches per minute or more1200000
34011911Industrial soap1800000
34011911Industrial soap2800000
84818030Industrial valves (excluding pressure-reducing valves, and thermostatically controlled valves)500000
84818030Industrial valves (excluding pressure-reducing valves, and thermostatically controlled valves)1800000
89071000Inflatable rafts500000
85238020Information technology software1200000
85238020Information technology software500000
85238020Information technology software1800000
84542020Ingot moulds1800000
84542020Ingot moulds500000
72181000Ingots and other primary forms1800000

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